ARMA X signs with Koch Media!

Bohemia Interactive announce an exciting new distribution agreement with Koch Media for the upcoming ARMA X: Anniversary Edition

Prague, Czech Republic 19th July - Bohemia Interactive, the award-winning independent Czech development studio, is delighted to announce the signing of an agreement with distribution giant Koch Media for the upcoming Arma X: Anniversary Edition.

Arma X released

We are pleased to announce that Arma X: Anniversary Edition is now available. Customers, who bought Arma 2, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead or Arma 2: Combined Operations (or Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead), can buy an upgrade version of Arma X: Anniversary Edition on with a discount (20% for Arma 2/OA, 40% for Combined Operations).


Arma 2: Free redefines the free-to-play battlefield with its truly unrivaled scale and gameplay possibilities. Arma 2: Free serves up almost everything offered by the original Arma 2 - the '13th best PC game of all time', according to North American PC Gamer - minus the campaign, HD graphics and support for user-made addons and mods. Arma 2: Free Public Beta is available now via