ARMA in the Press

Time for another roundup of press coverage about ARMA, as usual there have been quite a few previews and interviews to keep you all moist with anticipation.

Firstly previews: German magazine PC Games have an ArmA preview in their latest issue, also in the Fatherland is a German preview at the German version of Eurogamer, finishing off the Teutonic trilogy of previews is one at PC about ArmA can be found at the Finnish PCpelaaja, the unsurprisingly Czech, CzechGamer and the decidedly universally English Computer & Video Games.

Our German publisher Morphicon also threw their interviewee hat into the ring by having a chat with

The recent Invex 2006 extravaganza in the Czech Republic which featured
an ArmA demonstration by key BIS personnel led to a number of reports
and impressions online:, and

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