ARMA 2 - The Name Tale


As we're quickly approaching the release of ARMA 2 , the third installment in Bohemia Interactive's award winning series of military PC simulations, it's a good time to clarify some things about the name and also explain why using Armed Assault 2 is wrong or why Arma is not a cheesy weird name as some English-centric souls may believe!

Community Awards 2008: Nominations CLOSED!

pic_biforums_small.jpgObviously we gave you slightly longer than we originally planned to get in your nominations, but considering there was a few days server downtime combined with the rather chaotic move to the new forums we felt it best to let this run past the original planned 14 days and close it off once the new forums were up and running and functionality wise where the old ones were (which we pretty much are now).

The nominations form is now disabled, we'll collate the nominations, pick out the top 5 for each category then post a new and final voting form shortly, stay tuned to the blog for the next update!