New Bohemia Interactive Forums online

We are proud to announce that New Bohemia Interactive Forums have been successfully migrated to the new, fresh and shiny forum engine without any serious data loss. Because of this completely different forum engine, encrypted passwords could not be carried over from the old forums. To keep your old accounts, you will have to reset the password at first following these steps:

User Account Password Recovery

  1. Go to this Lost Password Recovery Form page
  2. Fill your e-mail address used for your original account
  3. Check your e-mail for Password Reset link and visit the page.
    Your password will be reset, and the new password will be
    emailed to you.
  4. Check your e-mail again for your new password.
  5. With your account name and new password received, follow the link to log in and change your password back to the old one if you want.
For any other possible issues you might experience, continue reading this article or go directly to the User Account Password Recovery Manual thread at new Official Bohemia Interactive Forums.

ARMA II – Website Update

The vehicles of ARMA II are available for inspection from today

Prague Czech Republic, April 3 rdBohemia Interactive and IDEA Games today introduce a new update on the ARMA II homepage. This time bringing the player a unique opportunity to explore the large amount of vehicles which are available in this highly anticipated military simulator. The latest piece of Intel, taking an in-depth look at ARMA II vehicles, has been declassified Friday 3rd late evening for immediate analysis at
