Arma Reforger 1.2 Update: Reinforcements
Attention Soldiers,
Reinforcements have arrived! Just when you thought the frontline was reaching a stalemate, the Arma Reforger 1.2: Reinforcements update brings a host of new assets, features, and improvements that will assist you in your battlefield combat readiness.
From AI commanding and driving to defensive helicopter weapons, flares, bayonets, and more, find out what's new in the new 1.2 Major Update below.
AI Driving
Until now, only humans could operate ground vehicles in Arma Reforger. AI soldiers can now drive, navigate road networks, and avoid obstacles, opening up a world of possibilities for both cooperative and competitive gameplay. AI can also lay down suppressive fire with vehicle weapons, decide which crew member should man the weapons, and reassign a different crew member if the gunner is down.
AI Commanding
Take command of your fellow soldiers! Now, you can direct AI comrades to move to different waypoints, halt, lay down suppressive fire, heal one another, follow the squad leader, defend objectives, and get in and out of vehicles. These fundamental commands will allow you to utilize AI soldiers as weapons on the battlefield and more effectively carry out operations across the islands of Everon and Arland. Learn more about our implementation of AI commanding in our latest Dev Report.
Defensive Helicopter Weapons
Transport helicopters in Arma Reforger have been somewhat vulnerable since 1.0, especially when landing. We've installed mounted weapon turrets on the UH-1H and Mi-8MT to lay down suppressive fire and protect themselves against enemies. This upgrade is sure to change the dynamics of the battlefield, as helicopters are no longer just RPG fodder but a formidable threat to infantry and vehicles alike.
Flares, Explosive Charges, and Bayonets
This update introduces three key combat assets that will completely augment nighttime combat, battlefield sabotage, and close-quarters combat:
- Flares - Until now, the cover of night has been all-encompassing, with no effective way to increase visibility without significantly compromising your position. We've added underbarrel grenade-launched flares to the game allowing you to tactically illuminate wherever you fire them.
- Explosive charges - The US and Soviet factions have both gotten their own explosive charges with detonators, opening up possibilities for sabotage, ambushes, and other explosive tactics on the battlefield. With both timed fuses and detonators, explosive charges will surely shake up engagements across the islands of Everon and Arland.
- Bayonets - With attachable bayonets for all three factions, close-quarters combat has become even more deadly. Silently attack with an element of surprise or defend yourself against attackers in close proximity when the fight comes to you.
New Weapon and Assets
The Soviet arsenal has gotten another weapon! Introducing the AKS-74U - a lightweight, shortened variant of the AK-74 well suited for close-quarters combat. It's the perfect complement for an AT or medic loadout, allowing soldiers to specialize in their roles without compromising firepower.
In addition, new pilot suits and gloves expand your options for authentic kits for in-game factions, reinforced by multiple new soldier roles, including US and Soviet special forces units placeable by the Game Master.
New Game Master Features
Two of the most requested waypoint features for Game Master are now in-game!
- Cycle waypoints allow you to make cyclical routes for AI soldiers. Previously, AI could just be sent from point A to B. With cycle waypoints, you can loop their patrol route indefinitely, making it easier for a Game Master to set up a scenario and create a more immersive environment for the players.
- Linking waypoints allow you to link waypoints with entities. For example, you can now make a waypoint that tells AI to enter a particular vehicle or destroy a specific object. This added level of control will give you more options for creating scenarios and leading thrilling Game Master sessions on the fly.
And finally, the civilian faction is now available in Game Master mode. You can now utilize civilians in your operations and spawn them with randomized loadouts with percentage chance values for which gear they will receive.
Inventory Improvements
The inventory has received a massive overhaul, greatly improving functionality and performance. Inventory replication has been refactored, addressing performance issues caused by the previous system. Drag-and-drop has been improved, and the entire inventory UX/UI has received a cosmetic overhaul. We think the new inventory is a significant upgrade and hope you enjoy the new interface!
Additional Features
Finally, we have three new features that address issues identified by our community:
- Vehicle unflipping is now in-game, so you can get out of a bind more easily if you accidentally overturn your vehicle. However, be aware that the feature often requires teamwork, just as it would in the real world.
- Copilots can now take over the controls of a helicopter if the pilot is incapacitated.
- The "get-in/get-out" refactor addresses several issues with vehicles. Now, opening the door and getting into a vehicle are two separate actions. This means no more repeatedly opening and closing helicopter doors; now, you can get in or out of any vehicle while leaving the door open. As a part of this factor, vehicles without roofs that go careening through the air and flip over can also eject passengers, and passengers exiting vehicles traveling at speed can be seriously injured by doing so.
New AI Firing Behaviors
Next time you're engaging an FIA squad, you'll probably notice that AI soldiers can more accurately suppress your position thanks to our updated AI firing behaviors! In addition to suppressive fire being an AI command, AI will use suppressive fire to cover and suppress an area with both bullets and indirect fire grenades. They will also more quickly suppress suspected enemy positions if attacked and will do so for longer.
In addition, firing timing logic has been completely redone to achieve more natural firing patterns and allow the AI to better regulate the firing rate during different combat situations.
Deployable Radio Rework
Deployable radios have gone through several iterations already, and the latest version brings more to the table than ever before. Now, deployable radios can be refilled with supplies and use supplies in their immediate vicinity. Instead of abandoning a deployed radio that has run out of spawns, you can refill it with supplies to enable more spawns. This also means that radios cost 200 supplies, as they come loaded with 100 supplies worth of spawns. In addition, Game Masters have the option to switch between three different types of budgets for radios (unlimited spawning, supply usage, and limited spawn tickets), and a new use action visible to the owner of the radio allows for spawning with loadouts to be disabled.