Landscape Almost Real

In our company, there was always an ambition to create landscape which would feel real. As we constantly improved our tools and refined our technology, it is finally possible to take the image of real-life countryside and bring the best of it into ARMA 2. We have chosen a piece of forgotten land somewhere in North Bohemia in the hopes of bring you a wild and hilly environment suitable for large-scale combat operations.

From the map of Chernarus.

Bohemia Interactive Goes Web 2.0

web20.gif In 1997 we launched our first website, dedicated to the then newborn game engine Real Virtuality. Ten years later, it's the perfect time to provide something more than a static web design.

Despite the fact that we've made many advances on the gaming technology side, our websites were pretty static until today. We finally have a web platform that will allow us to have a dynamic interaction with our users. Together with our community wiki and forums, this should mean our web site is now what we can pretty much call Web 2.0 . Now let's see how often we will really be able to provide you with news posts and blog posts, we hope you will like the new functionality and enjoy reading our blogs as much as we enjoy writing them for you right now.